Movie Nights

Do you love watching movies with your friends but can't get together physically? Well, Mochi's Movie Night on Discord is the perfect solution for you!

With Mochi's movie night search feature, you can easily search for your favorite movies, anime, or TV shows and set a reminder for your virtual cinema experience.

Plus, you can even add an announcement message at a specific time and ping members with a special "movie night" role so that everyone knows it's time for the event.

The best part? Mochi's movie night events are automatically added to Discord's own Events calendar, making it super easy to set up movie nights in your server.

Give it a try and have some fun!

We kindly remind you that Movie Night is designed solely for scheduling events and does not handle content streaming. Therefore, we recommend that you review your stream providers' Terms of Service (ToS) for any further information.

Last updated