Autoresponder Actions

When setting up your Autoresponders, you can utilize a combination of the following options to expand their functionality:

  1. Message: Create a basic response when a trigger word is used.

  2. Embed: Send an embed when a trigger word is used.

  3. DM: Choose whether the response should be sent as a direct message.

  4. Auto-Delete: Setting the response and trigger word to auto-delete after a certain period.

  5. Colors: Randomize the embed color by setting hex color codes.

  6. Channel: Select the channel where your Autoresponder will be triggered and respond.

  7. Channels-Excluded: Exclude certain channels from receiving Autoresponder messages.

  8. Add/Remove Role: Use the Autoresponder to add or remove roles when a trigger word is used.

  9. Add/Remove Balance: Manipulate your server's economy by adding or removing cash when a trigger word is used.

  10. Required Balance: Set a minimum balance required for a member to trigger an Autoresponder.

  11. Required Role: Restrict the Autoresponder to respond only to specific roles.

  12. Cooldown: To prevent spam, set a cooldown period (in minutes) for the Autoresponder.

Last updated