Starboard: Prime Features

Unlocking Premium Starboard Features

Starboard Leaderboard: Gamify Star Reactions!

Are you looking for a way to make starboards more fun and engaging for your server members? With the Starboard Leaderboard feature, you can do just that!

This nifty feature lets you create a leaderboard where your members can compete to get their posts in the top 5 most-reacted messages.

It's a great way to add friendly competition and encourage everyone to participate more!

Starboard Role-Rewards: Encourage Engagement with Rewards!

Starboard Role-Rewards incentivizes engagement in your server in a fun and interactive way. With this feature, you can set up role rewards for members who reach specific reaction milestones.

So, when a member accumulates a certain number of reactions, they get rewarded with a particular role! How awesome is that?

This feature not only encourages engagement but also adds a sense of accomplishment and recognition for active participants in your server.

By subscribing to Mochi Prime, you'll unlock these premium features that will elevate your starboard experience and create a more engaging and rewarding environment for your community. It's definitely worth checking out!

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