QOTD Suggestions

Mochi's QOTD suggestion section is the perfect place for all of us to share our creative ideas for the Question of the Day. It's like we're all in a big brainstorming session together!

We can suggest any question we think would be fun, engaging, or thought-provoking.

But before a question goes live, it goes through a special review process. The server owner and admin team carefully review each question to make sure it's appropriate, interesting, and aligns with our community's values.

When they find a question they love, they approve it and it gets added to the QOTD queue. It's like the question is waiting in line, ready to be the star of the day!

Mochi's QOTD suggestion section is a collaborative tool that empowers us to shape our own discussions while making sure the environment stays safe and engaging thanks to the moderation team's review. It's a fun way to keep the conversation fresh and exciting every day!

Last updated