Anti Mentions

Mochi's anti-mentions feature prevents chat flooding with mass mentions, creating a more organized and engaging experience. Trust Mochi to maintain balance and prevent spam!

In the Anti Mentions module, you have the option to personalize the following settings:


Mochi provides multiple moderation options to deal with the overuse of mentions. These options comprise of:

  • Warn: When a member exceeds the mass mention limit, Mochi sends them a DM warning

  • Mute: If members exceed the mass mention limit, Mochi will temporarily mute them.

  • Kick: If a member exceeds the mass mention limit, Mochi will automatically kick them from the server.

  • Ban: Mochi will automatically ban members who exceed the mass mention limit.

Ignored Channels

You can choose which channels won't trigger the anti-mention moderation. You can simply exclude certain channels from the moderation actions.

Allowed Roles

With this feature, you can grant certain members immunity from any moderation actions related to mass mentions. This means that those members won't have to worry about getting in trouble for using mass mentions in channels.

Mentions Limit

You can set a limit for how many times a member can mention others in their messages. Mochi will only intervene if this limit is exceeded. This helps maintain a positive and organized environment for everyone.

Last updated