Getting Started

Channel Permissions Checklist

If Mochi doesn't have Administrator permission, make sure Mochi has the following permissions in all channels:

View Messages Send Messages Use External Emoji

There are two ways to manage Mochi. The first method is by using slash commands. By typing a slash /, you can access a list of commands Mochi can perform.

When setting up Mochi for the first time, we suggest following Discord's official guide on using slash commands to set up Mochi and ensure proper server permissions.

The second method is through the Mochi dashboard, which can be accessed anytime through or by using the slash command /dashboard within your server.

Tip: In this guide, we will use the slash symbol (/) to indicate commands. We will also use curly brackets or braces ({) to refer to variables or placeholder arguments and square brackets ( [ ) to refer to ranges that Mochi uses to perform specific actions.

Last updated