YouTube Alerts

We're thrilled to introduce you to Mochi's YouTube Notifications feature - an exclusive benefit for our Mochi Prime Subscribers!

With Mochi's YouTube Alerts, you can let your friends know whenever you or your favorite YouTuber uploads a video, complete with an embedded link to your video. It's super easy to set up YouTube Notifications and can be done in just three simple steps!

Step 1: Add Your Channel

Let's get started with setting up your notifications! Enter your YouTube Channel name or Channel ID if you haven't received one yet in the "YouTube Channel /ID" section.

Step 2: Select the Announcement Channel

Now it's time to choose where Mochi will post the YouTube video Notifications. Go to the "Channel" section and pick your channel from the dropdown menu.

Step 3: Set an Announcement Message

It's time to craft a friendly and exciting announcement message! Head over to the "Message" section to create a warm and welcoming announcement message. You can use Mochi variables to add a personal touch like mentioning the YouTube channel {}, their channel URL {}, announcement roles, and more!

After you've followed all the necessary steps, simply hit the "Save" button and you're all set to add the YouTube channel to your YouTube Notifications Dashboard!

If you want to discover your channels Channel ID, you might find this YouTube guide helpful. It has all the information you need.

Last updated