Anti Links

With Mochi, you can rest easy knowing that harmful or inappropriate links won't be shared on your server. This creates a safe and fair environment for all users.

In the Anti Links module, you have the option to personalize the following settings:


Mochi provides a range of moderation options to tackle the sharing of unauthorized links. These options include:

  • Warn: If a member posts website links, Mochi sends them a DM warning

  • Mute: If a member posts website links, Mochi will temporarily mute them.

  • Kick: If a member posts website links, Mochi will automatically kick them from the server.

  • Ban: Mochi will automatically ban members who post website links.

Ignored Channels

You can choose which channels won't trigger anti-links moderation. You can simply exclude certain channels from the moderation actions.

Allowed Roles

With this feature, you can grant certain members immunity from any moderation actions related to sending website links. This means that those members won't have to worry about getting in trouble for sharing website links in channels.

List trusted websites to browse safely by separating them with commas.


Last updated