Creating a verification system for your server

Welcome to our step-by-step guide on creating a verification system for new members.

This system will allow new members to use a unique verification word or phrase in a designated channel, receive a personalized welcome message, and gain a verified role.

To maintain security, Mochi will automatically delete the response, keeping the verification phrase confidential.

Let's get started with the setup:

Step 1: Set Up Your Permissions

To create a secure environment, it's crucial to lock all your channels initially, making them invisible to new users. If you're unsure about how permissions work, please refer to Discord's Permissions Guide.

Step 2: Guide New Members

At the end of your rules section, we recommend adding a prompt like "Type 'I agree' to gain access to the rest of the server!" This will guide new members through the verification process.

Step 3: Create a Limited Access Role

Next, create a role that restricts access to the rest of the server. This role should only allow viewing of your rules or landing channel.

Step 4: Set Up Channel Permissions

Ensure that all channels are set up so that this new role cannot view the rest of the server. If you need help, refer to our Channel Permissions Template.

This template includes two main roles (Moderator & Verified Member), and four main categories (Info, Verification, Main Chat, and Moderator Corner).

Step 5: Create an Autoresponder

Finally, set up an autoresponder with the phrase 'I agree'. This will trigger the verification process for new members.

  • To create a new autoresponder use the command /auto-responders add

  • name - the trigger for the autoresponder in this example it is "i agree".

  • embed - sends out a pre-made embed. in this example the embed is called "verify".

  • dm - the value "true" sends the verification message as a direct message to the member.

  • message - the verification message. (The message field supports variables).

  • auto-delete - automatically deletes the message after 3 seconds.

  • channel - sets the autoresponder to only respond in the specified channel.

  • add-role - adds the specified role to the new member. in this example it is our verification role.

  • if the autoresponder has been setup correctly, you should get the following response:

  • when the autoresponder trigger word i agree is used in the verification channel the following message will be sent as a direct message to the member:

Last updated